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首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > TRACO電源模塊 > DC/DC轉換器 > TEP150-4812WI-FTEP150-4813WI-F TEP150-4812WI-F電源模塊TRACO


TEP150-4813WI-F TEP150-4812WI-F電源模塊TRACO

  • 型   號:TEP150-4812WI-F
  • 價(jià)   格:17

The modules have originally been designed for harsh industrial environment. High EMC immunity against surge, burst, radiated and conducted disturbances and the shock/ vibration and thermal



The modules have originally been designed for harsh industrial environment. High EMC immunity against surge, burst, radiated and conducted disturbances and the shock/ vibration and thermal shock resistance make them very popular for stringent requirements. With the extended input voltage ranges that cover the nominal 24, 36, 72 and 110 VDC with ±40 % tolerance and the approval in accordance to EN50155 standard they now also offer a reliable solution for and stationary railway applications. At 100% load the current characteristics goes from constant voltage to constant current what makes the units also suitable for battery charger applications. With protection against over-temperature, overload, short-circuit, reverse input, overvoltage and input under-voltage lock-out they are hard to destroy.

Product Status : Active

Product is recommended for new designs.


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Product Distinction


TEP 150-2412WI

9 - 36 VDC

12 VDC / 12.5 A


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TEP 150-2412WI-F

9 - 36 VDC

12 VDC / 12.5 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-2413WI

9 - 36 VDC

15 VDC / 10 A


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TEP 150-2413WI-F

9 - 36 VDC

15 VDC / 10 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-2415WI

9 - 36 VDC

24 VDC / 6.3 A


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TEP 150-2415WI-F

9 - 36 VDC

24 VDC / 6.3 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-2416WI

9 - 36 VDC

28 VDC / 5.4 A


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TEP 150-2416WI-F

9 - 36 VDC

28 VDC / 5.4 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-2418WI

9 - 36 VDC

48 VDC / 3200 mA


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TEP 150-2418WI-F

9 - 36 VDC

48 VDC / 3200 mA

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-4812WI

18 - 75 VDC

12 VDC / 12.5 A


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TEP 150-4812WI-F

18 - 75 VDC

12 VDC / 12.5 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-4813WI

18 - 75 VDC

15 VDC / 10 A


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TEP 150-4813WI-F

18 - 75 VDC

15 VDC / 10 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-4815WI

18 - 75 VDC

24 VDC / 6.3 A


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TEP 150-4815WI-F

18 - 75 VDC

24 VDC / 6.3 A

EN 55022 class B filter

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TEP 150-4816WI

18 - 75 VDC

28 VDC / 5.4 A


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西安云特電子技術(shù)有限公司(www.hkcree.com)推薦:TEP150-4813WI-F TEP150-4812WI-F電源模塊TRACOTEP150-4812WI-F
GoogleSitemap ICP備案號:陜ICP備17016801號-2 技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)